Friday, May 13, 2011

How Old is Your Cat?

Cats can live up to 13 to 15 years depending on their diet, lifestyle, and other factors. But do you ever wonder about the age of your cat's equivalent in human years? I got this from the site. Hope you find this helpful:

How Old is Kitty?

Cat Years Human Years
1 year 20 years
2 years 25 years
3 years 30 years
4 years 35 years
5 years 40 years
6 years 45 years
7 years 50 years
8 years 55 years
9 years 60 years
10 years 65 years
11 years 70 years
12 years 75 years
13 years 80 years


  1. It feels like we were feeding a 30 yr old man in our house.. O.O

  2. It is 7 years old. His name Azulão it means blue cat

  3. No way!!! I never knew this. Thanks so much for letting me know. IT makes me happier to know that my cats will live longer. I'm being silly but awesome post.

